Environmental, Social and Governance 

Harrison Manufacturing is an ethical, values-based company committed to meeting all corporate responsibility obligations. This actively extends to the environment, social and good corporate governance.

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) and Sustainability

“…to positively shape and contribute to a better world, in a sustainable and ethical way.” 

Harrison Manufacturing Group Vision

This is the reason for our Environmental Social Governance program and the steps we are taking to continually improve our company’s resiliency. 

Environment is stewardship, Social is equity and diversity, Governance is trust and transparency.

Changes must be made to ensure long term sustainability for our country and world helping us build resilience, regeneration, and relevance to create long term sustainability for our community, customers, employees, and suppliers to name but a few – thus generally a multi-stakeholder approach to business. 

By embedding ESG into our DNA throughout our company, Harrison Manufacturing will make a difference, reducing financial impact and business risk, helping make our sustainable future together, which in turn makes our world a better place – for the long term.

Our ESG program is based upon the recommendations developed from Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures TCFD and will soon incorporate the guidance from International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB). 

In our ESG program we categorise our projects and align them with the UN SDGS. We have selected 6 SDGs in canvassing our stakeholders and our efforts are initially focused on:

  • Good health & wellbeing

  • Gender equality

  • Affordable and clean energy

  • Responsible production & consumption

  • Climate action

  • Life below water

Some of the projects we are actively working on are:

  • A pathway to carbon neutrality: Working with partners and suppliers on reducing our and their Scope 1, 2 and three emissions.
  • Education around ESG and how Harrison Manufacturing can play their part in helping transition to a sustainable world.
  • Governance and reporting: Ensuring that all of our values and initiatives are embedded into the company.


Our Pollution Incident Response Management Plan documents the notification and management processes and procedures for compliance with the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997.

Harrison Manufacturing conducts groundwater monitoring on site every 2 years. The latest results from February 2023 can be found in the ground water monitoring results table and the borehole locations here.

For details of Harrison Manufacturing EPA license 139 please click here.


Harrison Manufacturing operates within fully documented board and corporate governance policies in line with ASX and Australian Standards. We employ a range of tools to help ensure the company remains up to date with the many and varied external compliance and general governance requirements legal, employment, financial and remuneration. We also have fully documented operational policies and procedures that sit under our ISO 9001:2015 certification.

The company works with a range of business partners to help ensure we remain compliant with Australian regulations. This includes membership of appropriate bodies including the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD), NSW Business Chamber, Australian Institute of Chartered Accountants and Australian Institute of Management.

Comprehensive training is provided to all employees to ensure governing standards are maintained.

Harrison Manufacturing is bound by the Australian Privacy Act. Our Privacy Policy provides further information with respect to how we use and disclose any personal information.

Harrison Manufacturing acknowledges that modern slavery and human trafficking is a global and complex challenge faced by both governments and businesses. Harrison Manufacturing strives to ensure that both modern slavery and human trafficking do not occur in our business operations or supply chain.

This Statement outlines our future plans to continue to work towards combatting modern slavery risks and Harrison Manufacturing is committed to developing our approach to combat this complex and very important issue over the coming years.

This is under review and has not been officially published on the Register.

Read our Modern Slavery Statement.

Work health and safety

Commitment to health and safety is the number one priority at Harrison Manufacturing, underpinning every aspect of the business and its operations.

Our safety teams meet monthly to discuss issues of importance in all areas of the company, and monitor performance against key Work Health and Safety (WH&S) objectives. All staff are provided with ongoing training and resources to maintain awareness and best practice in WH&S procedures.

In addition, emphasis is placed on ‘leading by example.’ All staff are empowered to hold each other accountable to the WH&S standards that have been set in place.

Our WH&S management system is integrated with Harrison Manufacturing’s web-based employee services portal to ensure timely and detailed communication and evaluation of all aspects of incident management.

Our work practices, policies and procedures are regularly audited by external parties.

Connect with us

To connect with Harrison Manufacturing’s ESG team and see how we can help or progress your initiatives please contact us.

Contact us

Committed to improving our environment

Harrison Manufacturing is committed to improving our environment in any way we can to leave the world in better shape. We strive to operate in an ethical and credible manner, and we take our corporate social responsibilities seriously. We are very conscious that as manufacturers, we too generate greenhouse gas emissions, and have an obligation to reduce this as far as practically possible. Our ongoing commitment extends to improving the environment by minimising greenhouse emissions, reducing unnecessary waste and reducing our carbon footprint in all areas of our operations wherever possible.

Environmental management system

At Harrison Manufacturing we work closely with all stakeholders to ensure our facilities are operated responsibly and to all legislative requirements and standards. We have a dynamic environmental management system in place that is regularly reviewed and continues to evolve in line with best practice, and technical and legislative changes. The system includes regular risk assessments in addition to both internal and external audits.